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Entry 104, on 2004-12-21 at 14:55:33 (Rating 1, Travel)

I have just returned from a short break of about 5 days in Queenstown. If you don't know, Queenstown is New Zealand's leading center for adventure tourism, ski-ing (during winter), and as a general tourist destination. I was lucky to get the use of a house belonging to one of my private computer clients, so the trip didn't cost too much.

The weather was typical of New Zealand's changeable and unpredictable nature. We had some fine sunny weather, and a wet windy day which left snow over half way down the surrounding mountains (if you are viewing this from my web site you can see a photo below).

I am going to bungy off the famous Shotover River bridge one day but it didn't happen during this trip (there were quite big crowds there and we didn't have much time when we went past on the way home). I declare publicly here, that it will happen one day!

Anyway, although Queenstown is a very commercial, tourist oriented town it is still a fun place to visit and has some of New Zealand's most incredible scenery. Now all I have to do is complete the computer program so I can go back in the new year to install it!


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