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Choosing Our Friends

Entry 255, on 2005-11-24 at 17:24:37 (Rating 3, Politics)

Our new foreign minister, Winston Peters, has decided he wants to "repair" New Zealand's relationship with the United States. Assuming we actually have a relationship in need of repair, this seems like a good idea. Of course we should have a good relationship with the US, not only is it the most powerful country, but it has always been a close ally and friend.

The current perceived problem dates back to the 1980s when New Zealand refused visits from American warships unless the US could state they were not armed with nuclear weapons. This was extended to also cover nuclear propulsion. Since the US had a "neither confirm nor deny" policy on this subject we effectively banned all ship visits.

Since then New Zealand has given only conditional support to US activities. For example, we sent troops to both Iraq and Afghanistan, but only after the wars there were over (at least officially, since they seem to be ongoing) to help clean up and assist with security. Our government certainly has major differences to the Bush administration. New Zealand has strong support for environmental issues, peace-keeping, and social equality. These all seem contrary to the policies of the current government in the US.

The discussion today seemed to polarise opinion. First, were the people who supported continuing our current direction by continuing to refuse nuclear ship visits, and to treat American military ventures with caution. Second were the group who say economics is more important than morality. They say we should do whatever is necessary to get a free trade agreement with America.

I'm not necessarily a supporter of free trade, but even if I was, should we sacrifice doing "what is right" to make more money? Maybe we should copy our friends in Australia (who do have a free trade deal) and join America with whatever military actions they require. Or maybe not. A lot of people admire New Zealand's position on these issues - including many Americans - and when the administration there changes maybe we will be able to maintain out moral beliefs as well as improve our friendship with America.


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