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Where Next?

Entry 312, on 2006-04-12 at 19:07:30 (Rating 5, News)

First there was Afghanistan, then there was Iraq, now there are indications that Iran might be next. Where will George Bush's violent interventions in global politics lead us next? He clearly wants to change the leadership of Iran, and some commentators are reporting very worrying possibilities concerning the way he might do this.

It seems likely that there are already preparations for some sort of action against Iran. The predictions that bunker-busting nuclear bombs might be used to destroy Iranian uranium enrichment facilities must be just as concerning as the fact that the facilities exist. It seems likely that Iran is preparing nuclear weapons, but the weapons wouldn't be complete for many years, and if a reaction is required, I would really prefer to wait for a different leadership in Washington. We clearly can't trust the current administration to make fair and reasonable decisions.

Maybe the fact that the rest of the world has learned form its mistake in backing the US in Iraq will mean Bush won't have international support for any action in Iran. That is about the best we can hope for, because if he does attack Iran its sure to be another disaster, and further destabilise the world's delicate balance of power.

Bush is under intense pressure from within the US now. His popularity has plummeted and many people are realising he is one of the worst presidents ever (and looking at the quality of many others it sure is a tough competition to be worst in). But now its too late. Why didn't they realise that before they voted him in for a second term? Surely it was obvious then where his leadership was taking us. I guess not. He's there now and we just have to hope he won't cause too much damage before his term is finally over.


Comment 1 (191) by Sean on 2006-04-12 at 19:32:58:

With the inconsistency that the Bush administration has in its political manoueveres it is likely that perfectly legitimate regimes will come under increasing pressure to tow the U.S. line.

If we are all expected to idolise the American brand of freedom then it is clear that those nations which choose a radically different form of Democracy may become unintentional targets.

Still, Bush needs to keep the Defence lobby happy and unnecessary wars in third world countries keeps the dollars filling their pockets while the blood of young America fills the streets during these wars.


Comment 2 (192) by OJB on 2006-04-13 at 12:44:39:

Very well stated. But remember that for every American war death there are 1000 in the country being invaded, and most of those are innocent civilians.


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