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More Good Bad News

Entry 318, on 2006-05-03 at 15:56:55 (Rating 2, Computers)

A number of computer-related headlines caught my attention recently. First, Apple has started a new advertising campaign which, quite aggressively, shows the advantages of Macs over PCs, including the Macs resistance to viruses. Second, Apple (the company that Dell advised be shut down) is again worth more than Dell (by a small margin admittedly, and this status is probably going to change again, but Apple is definitely a significant company). Thirdly, there are rumours that Microsoft Vista is likely to be delayed yet again - I'm wondering if it will ever be released!

It has always been good to be a Mac user, but recently it just seems to get better and better! I hope the "virus ad" doesn't backfire on Apple, and encourage the various writers of viruses and other malware to concentrate more on the Mac. I'm sure Mac OS X is more intrinsically secure than Windows, but it certainly isn't perfect, an Apple should definitely have a better record at fixing these problems than they currently have.

Well time will tell, but the current outlook is very positive. Let's hope the good news (or bad news of Microsoft) continues into the new year. If Leopard is here before Vista (it certainly should be) it will be a big plus for Apple.


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