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Entry 32, on 2004-08-27 at 22:09:16 (Rating 3, Computers)

I just read a couple of reports from a respected source on the Internet (it was The Register). The first said that the average time it took for a Windows XP to be infected with a virus or similar malware after being connected to the Internet was 20 minutes! The other said the average PC is out of action for 9 days per year - longer than the average worker.

How much longer are people going to use these PCs running Microsoft's foul operating system before they realise there is a better way? I mean, how bad does it really have to get before they explore the options?

I'm not necessarily suggesting everyone should use a Mac instead (although that is an attractive option). I think Linux is a good option operating on PC hardware. Its the OS that's the problem, not so much the hardware (although the hardware is usually pretty awful, as well).

Anyway, that's my rant against PCs for the day. Stay tuned for more though - its one of my favourite subjects!

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