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Just a Waste

Entry 334, on 2006-05-23 at 14:15:21 (Rating 2, Science)

I'm currently reading David Bodanis' latest book: Electric Universe. Its a history and basic explanation of the discovery and use of electric power. Its a really interesting book, and very easy to understand. For a science and technology enthusiast like myself, the science is a bit basic, but the history and personalities involved are interesting.

One thing I've noticed often in the book so far (I'm about half way through) is how often brilliant work has been sabotaged by the political, commercial, and scientific establishment of the time.

I've just finished reading the story of the life of Alan Turing, and that is particularly depressing, and a good example of what I mean. He could have helped bring the development of early computers ahead by many years if his efforts hadn't been continually sabotaged, and if he hadn't committed suicide after being found guilty of being a homosexual.

How many times in the history of science and technology has a new advance been held up by failure of imagination from those in positions of power? From my reading of the history of science I would say many times. And it hasn't stopped now, either. Religious and political views continually stifle new discoveries - currently stem cell research is a good example.

All branches of scientific research should be allowed to proceed and there should be plenty of (financial and other) support for all areas of enquiry - its amazing how often a seemingly useless research project turns out to be useful in a completely different area. So let's support science as much as possible, and encourage politicians to do the same - anything else is just a waste.

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