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Another Disaster

Entry 369, on 2006-07-24 at 16:31:41 (Rating 5, Politics)

The conclusions from my blog entry a few days back about the Israel-Lebanon conflict seem more pertinent than ever. The Israeli forces continue to destroy non-military targets in Lebanon and are killing hundreds of civilians, including over 100 children. What can possibly justify this?

And, of course, America and its cowardly puppet Britain, just let it happen. The rumour is that America has given Israel 10 days to inflict as much damage as they can before supporting a ceasefire. Apparently America has some sort of formula regarding how many innocents you can kill in pursuit of your political ambitions. In fact, it is probably a great thing for the US because it removes the focus from the much greater disaster Iraq has become, with its tens of thousands of innocents murdered by US forces.

The UN's emergency relief chief has said the actions of the Israeli forces violate humanitarian law, but the US and its allies don't take a lot of notice of the UN, unless it suits them to, of course.

The Israeli ambassador for New Zealand was interviewed today and if his attitudes are an indication of the way Israeli leaders are thinking, we have no hope. Everything he said was intolerant propaganda. There is was no common sense and no hope of accepting any sort of compromise. I expected a diplomatic to be more... diplomatic.

Possibly the worst aspect of this is that the attempted destruction of Hezbollah is just going to make things worse. First, Israel will never destroy them anyway. Second, the Israeli military and Lebanese civilians will suffer as much as Hezbollah will. And third, the general level of opposition to the West will just increase, which will make militant organisations (I refuse to use the label terrorist) like Hezbollah stronger, not weaker.

So the whole thing is heading towards another disaster. And let me repeat my opinion from the previous blog entry. This is partly Bush's fault for setting such a bad example to his allies with his illegal invasion of Iraq.


Comment 1 (245) by Steve on 2006-08-24 at 22:48:18:

So what do you say when Israel has agreed to a ceasefire? They could have continued destroying Lebanon because they are far stronger, but they have stopped. Does that not mean that this isn't really the disaster you predicted?


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