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Positively Vernal

Entry 374, on 2006-07-31 at 19:09:42 (Rating 1, Comments)

We have had our fair share of colder weather over the last few weeks of winter, but its starting to seem like spring might not be far away. Actually, while some parts of New Zealand have had unusual amounts of snow and bad weather, we really haven't had many problems here in Dunedin, apart from one week where we got some icy roads after a few successive frosts. Of course, the winter isn't over yet.

The reason I'm expressing this optimistic view is because of the beautiful spring day we have today, and the fact that my son and daughter played outside yesterday until well after dark without freezing!

So the weather has been positively vernal (that means spring-like, if you haven't heard the word before) here recently. September 22 - the vernal (spring) equinox for the southern hemisphere (and autumnal equinox for the northern) - is still almost 2 months away so we will no doubt have some more cold weather yet. In fact, the weather in Dunedin is so unpredictable and changeable that we could have cold weather on mid-summers day!

New Zealand's exact location in the Pacific ocean means it is in an area of disturbed weather patterns, so we should expect the weather to be hard to predict. I'm not sure how much global climate change is affecting us. The statistics seem to indicate more extreme weather and I'm sure that is more reliable that people's biased memories, so I think we are seeing significant change.

Well that's enough sitting inside typing on my computer. Its time to head outside and enjoy the fine weather!


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