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Random Rants 3

Entry 494, on 2007-03-14 at 16:38:09 (Rating 3, News)

My comment of a couple of days ago (see my blog entry "Aaaaiiiiieeeeee!") where I said that that Dell are being forced to abandon Linux by Microsoft, was perhaps a bit premature. Dell are now surveying users on what Linux options they want to see, and intend to go ahead with selling PCs pre-installed with Linux. It seems that Microsoft might be losing their power over some hardware manufacturers. I'm a Mac user myself, but I support any other product which can help break Microsoft's monopoly, so well done Dell!

Just to show how the mighty really can fall, have a look at the reception Sony's PlayStation 3 is getting. While its a great machine technically, its far too expensive and people have trouble seeing why they would want one. Of course, the really unfortunate thing is that the main winner in this battle is Microsoft!

New Zealand has always had a very fair society, and we were the first country in the world to give the vote to women. I often hear feminists say how much better women do things than men when they are given the chance, but I am a bit skeptical of this claim. The woman in charge of our biggest company, Telecom, made a bit of a hash of it and had to leave (see my blog entry "Get Ye Hence!") and now another high pro file business woman, Vicki Salmon, CEO of fast food company Restaurant Brands, has left her job.

It just shows that women are just as incompetent as men in any situation. Now that's real equality! Our woman prime minister is still hanging in there and remains fairly popular with voters, so she would be a feminist success story, I guess. I personally think she's one of our better prime ministers, but I know a lot of more conservative voters who have real problems with her. Well, that's politics.


Comment 1 (469) by Dave on 2007-03-16 at 14:24:28:

Ha ha, you're very funny. Women are just as incompetent as men. I think you are so right!


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