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Allawi's Speech

Entry 56, on 2004-09-24 at 15:18:34 (Rating 3, Politics)

Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi's speech to the US Congress must confirm what everyone has been thinking up until now, that he is a puppet of the US. Many observers can't believe what he said and how he said it. I wouldn't be surprised if the script was written by some of Bush's advisers.

Does this sound familiar? "We are succeeding in Iraq. It's a tough struggle with setbacks, but we are succeeding". Yeah right. OK, Saddam Hussein wasn't the best leader in the world, but he wasn't the worst either. And at least the country had some sort of order. What have they got now?

Will the world's bullies, the USA, ever realise that they can't achieve a good long term solution by imposing their own twisted ideals on to other countries, especially through the use of force? One day Iraq will be seen for what it is, the US's biggest mistake since Vietnam. Unfortunately, in the mean time, it looks like Bush will be elected again. I hope I'm wrong on that one.


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