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The Flood

Entry 576, on 2007-07-20 at 14:53:57 (Rating 3, News)

A recent study shows Britain was separated form the rest of Europe around 200,000 years ago by a massive flood. This wasn't a gradual event, it happened suddenly as shown by sonar images of the English Channel. Of course, this confirms the Bible's flood story. The dating of 200,000 years is obviously wrong, but dating techniques are notoriously inaccurate so that shouldn't be a surprise. What is surprising is how often science confirms Biblical stories and yet scientists still refuse to admit the truth of the Bible and insist on sticking to the stories they claim are scientific, such as evolution.

OK, in case you hadn't already realised it, I'm being facetious here (you might be surprised how often people don't notice). Any superficial resemblance between science and mythology is often seized on by believers as support for their beliefs, but its not sufficient just to look at the parts of the story which suit your preferred belief system. If the scientific idea that a flood occurred is good enough to accept the details should also be acceptable. Those details are significant: this flood wasn't global, although it did cover a large area; and it occurred 50 times as many years ago as the biblical flood was supposed to.

The phenomenon is a very common one for supporters of mythology and paranormal phenomena and is often called "cherry picking". If you carefully pick the facts (cherries) which suit your requirements and ignore the rest its easy to prove anything - even the flood.


Comment 1 (1439) by henk on 2008-04-30 at 15:08:15:

An old article defending the Flood by a geologist with a genuine Ph.D. is Major support is the existence of paraconformities; smooth contacts between layers which evolutionists claim were millions of years apart. Yet if that were so, there should be the ragged erosion surfaces of exposed landscapes. Instead they are horizontal, indicating that the upper layer was deposited on the lower layer before there was any time for erosion. On the right is another example: the horizontal contact point between the Coconino Sandstone and the Hermit Shale, with allegedly 10 million years of “missing” time and material.

Analysing the layers themselves, rather than the gaps between them, this Ph.D. geologist and another one argued that they must have been desposited under huge amounts of flowing water, as shown by cross-beds

The evidence of huge layers being deposited under water, combined with the lack of time between the layers, is strong evidence for a massive Flood. The worldwide nature of this flood is shown by the correlation of layers across continents.


Comment 2 (1440) by OJB on 2008-04-30 at 21:13:41:

This is typical creationist propaganda. Superficially it sounds reasonable, but all of these points have been answered by science yet the creationists continue to use them. Have a look at the explanations for these at Wikipedia and Talk Origins. Also, if these people are genuine scientists why don't they publish these results in real scientific journals? Because they aren't scientifically rigorous and no reputable journal would accept them, that's why!


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