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Kudos to George

Entry 627, on 2007-10-21 at 09:16:39 (Rating 2, Politics)

What's the world coming to? George Bush meets with the Dalai Lama and awards him the Congressional Gold Medal against the protests of one of the world's great economic powers, China. I do believe George has done the right thing for once. I know I have criticised him bitterly in the past but on this occasion I congratulate him. He has had more integrity than many other politicians, including our own prime minister, who would normally be thought to be far more likely to identify with non-Christian spiritual leaders.

I think this is significant for several reasons. The Dalai Lama represents the complete opposite to Bush in terms of politics, religion, and general demeanour. George seems to be an up-tight, close minded, semi-fundamentalist Christian with right-wing political views and shows little real imagination or endearing personality. The Dalai Lama has a flexible Buddhist world view, is surely more to the left than right politically, and is impossible not to admire for his good humour and positive personality.

Or maybe I'm being unfair to George. I think that underneath he's a much better person than he seems. We've seen many times in the past that American leaders don't live up to their promise once they become president. I guess there is advice coming from so many directions, so much pressure from supporters, and genuine constraint on the office itself. Its not surprising that American presidents can't offer the world the same positive, inclusive attitude that a spiritual leader in exile can.

I guess anyone can do one or two good things during their term as leader and I perhaps shouldn't read too much into this, but its hard not to feel a lot better about Bush after this incident.


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