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Last Day

Entry 659, on 2007-12-13 at 19:02:47 (Rating 2, Travel)

Well its that time of year again: my last day of work for the year. I'm finishing a bit early this year because I'm off to Australia for 10 days, and then to Nelson (back in New Zealand) for 10 days over Christmas (in the Southern hemisphere most people have a long holiday over the summer Christmas break). I ranted last year at this time about how an atheist justifies celebrating Christmas (its really a celebration of mid-summer) so I won't bore you with the details again here.

Hopefully I will be able to blog abaout my adventures in Australia and post to my web site regularly, but I have no idea what sort of Internet access I will have, because I will be touring around in a campervan! But if I seem to disappear for a couple of weeks that will be why.

As the end of the year approaches I start setting goals for myself regarding installing system upgrades, optimising servers, and getting important features in databases working properly. But as the time starts running out it usually turns out that more new problems arise than problems disappear so I've got to the point now where I accept that as I leave there will be plenty of things still left unfinished.

At least the start of the new year is traditionally a quiet period at the University I work at so there will be a chance to catch up with unfinished tasks.


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