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What's Wrong?

Entry 662, on 2007-12-28 at 21:14:32 (Rating 3, Politics)

Earlier today I was wondering what's wrong with a country where politicians are murdered because of their beliefs. I'm talking about the assassination of Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto of course. But then I thought about the history of political assassinations and attempted assassinations in the US. Its was only 25 years ago that there was an attempt on Ronald Reagan's life, so is Pakistan really any worse than other countries?

In some ways it is worse because the US assassins were deranged lunatics acting on their own behalf (unless you believe the conspiracy theories of course) and the Pakistani one was part of an organised political faction (at least he presumably was - since the perpetrators haven't been identified it is possible that he was a lone individual as well).

And what about the resulting riots with the burning vehicles, gunfire, etc? Would that happen in other countries as well? Of course it has in the past and still does today.

So the outrage from western leaders seems a bit fake. I don't think the violence of Islamic extremists is really that unique. Many countries might be more "civilised" now but there is a fine line between the peaceful existence in most of the western world and the chaos in other countries.


Comment 9 (1200) by SBFL on 2008-02-29 at 01:55:20: (view earlier comments)

Yes, well there are some not-so-nice people in all society's groupings!

Any links? Where did they survey? The bible belt?!!


Comment 10 (1206) by OJB on 2008-02-29 at 11:48:07:

At the Gallup site I found these: belief in creationism over 25 years and more analysis of that belief.


Comment 11 (1219) by SBFL on 2008-02-29 at 22:34:50:

Thanks. So summarizing, man developed over millions of years = 52%, man created in present form in last 10,000 years = 43%.

Agree that 43% is quite high, even for the US. Strong influence from Judaism and fundamentalist Christianity maybe?


Comment 12 (1225) by Anonymous on 2008-03-01 at 04:40:58:

You can't trust these numbers because people will say anything on a survey.


Comment 13 (1229) by OJB on 2008-03-01 at 11:20:04:

The numbers are surprisingly high. I'm not sure why this is such a problem in the US. Inbreeding in the southern states maybe?

I think the numbers are reliable. They have stayed fairly steady for many years and fit in with known church membership and beliefs. They are also from a fairly respected source.


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