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Entry 69, on 2004-10-18 at 14:09:24 (Rating 1, Activities)

On Sunday we had an early birthday party for Phillip, who turns 8 on the 24th. He invited four of his friends and we had a day of various activities planned for them.

We had had some nice, warm weather the previous week but the forecast was for a nasty change to southerlies and hail so we were a bit worried we'd be stuck inside the whole time - not much fun when you have a whole bunch of 8 year old boys!

Well we didn't need to worry, because good old Dunedin weather did it again and it turned out fine so we could enjoy outdoor play and a visit to the pool later in the day. Actually, we have remarkable luck with weather on birthday parties, or maybe its just that Dunedin weather isn't as bad as some people think!


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