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A Month of It

Entry 759, on 2008-04-30 at 20:21:39 (Rating 1, Activities)

Just before the start of this month I started posting these blog entries at two extra social sites, both based in New Zealand, and I got a reasonable amount of feedback and interest from some posts. My blog entries have been consistently at or near the top at ShareMyNZ for example. So I thought: considering this newly found fame I owe it to my readers to create a blog post every day for the month.

And with this post I have succeeded! Yes, for the first time in my blogging career I have done a post every day for a month. My first blog entry ever was for April 2003 which was 5 years ago this month - so I have been blogging for a while. This is entry number 759 at my main site (other sites don't have every entry).

According to the logs my main blog (at has received about half a million hits. I don't think these are all people reading my postings because the site is visited by search engine crawlers and lots of other traffic which shouldn't really count, but even if only 10% are genuine I'm still fairly happy. My SpyMac blog has had 63,000 genuine visits, I don't have a count for Blogger or KiwiPulse, but ShareMyNZ has over 1300 visits and 90 comments in the one month I've been there.

So I guess the half hour I "waste" each day creating this stuff is worth it. Not only does it give me the opportunity to share my opinion and discuss it with others but it also makes me have a good look at the news and issues each day looking for a subject. I have actually changed my opinion or seen issues in a new way as a result of discussions in some posts so I think its a good reality check and a way to test ideas.

And I do try to cover a range of stuff, including local and international politics, religion, technology, news, and some of my own activities. For example, this month I covered subjects as diverse as: commemorating war, a drunk version of Darth Vader causing havoc, an anti-evolution movie, death caused by falling coconuts, the social responsibility of business, taking photos of astronomical objects, reading science fiction, and the historicity of Jesus! There's something for everyone!

My biggest disappointment is that so few people are prepared to share their thoughts, either for or against mine, by commenting. I know there are many visitors who don't comment and it would be nice to get more feedback. But the interactive web (I think that's what Web 2.0 is all about - no one seems to really know) hasn't caught on with a lot of people who still prefer just to browse. Fair enough, as long they have a think about the issues, that's all I ask!


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