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Entry 93, on 2004-11-29 at 16:14:34 (Rating 1, Comments)

I was pleased to see an impressive result in the All Blacks vs France rugby game in the weekend. The All Blacks often show flashes of brilliance, and no-one would deny they have some excellent players, but this often isn't reflected in the results. I don't even want to think about the debacle at the last Rugby World Cup where Australia prevented New Zealand getting to the final.

Also, we don't really want to talk about cricket just at the moment, OK? Let's just say that New Zealand is struggling just a little bit against the world champion Australians, and leave it at that!

While New Zealand is in quite a good position from the point of view of its financial and social status, its still good to get that little boost of confidence the country gets when the All Blacks give one our traditional rugby foes a damn good thrashing!


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