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Catholic Church Despised

Entry 980, on 2009-04-02 at 18:16:49 (Rating 5, Religion)

Warning: Before you read this, please note that if you are a Catholic you will be offended. So if you don't want to be upset by criticism of your beliefs then please stop now! Still reading? OK...

Why do people become Catholics? I can't figure it out. Its a silly religion full of antiquated and silly rituals and the church has had such a bad effect on the world that many people would see it as representing the pure evil that it claims to oppose. OK, so now that I've got that little rant out of the way let me describe the reasons for it.

First is the new Pope. What a moron he is. I mean the previous Pope was bad enough but he was starting to show a bit of common sense and seemed to be dragging the church out of the dark ages that the rest of us would still be in if the church had its way. But now they seem to be going backwards again.

Here's a few opinions of Pope Benedict, some of which are OK and others are just unbelievably bad...

He does seem to support evolution, so at least he isn't as crazy as the fundies, but he also says "science has narrowed the way that life's origins are understood". Not sure what that means but it sounds critical. He also says "the Darwinist theory of evolution is not completely provable because mutations over hundreds of thousands of years cannot be reproduced in a laboratory". That sounds like a way of dismissing evolution without actually coming out and saying it directly. Its also irrelevant and wrong.

He claims "God created life through evolution". OK, I thank him for his opinion - even though its based on absolutely no evidence and is really just silly - but why should we care and how does he dare to offer an opinion as a fact for his followers?

Then there's this, just when the church has apologised for its treatment of Galileo it seems maybe that wasn't very genuine after all. The Pope said: "The trial of Galileo for heresy because of his support for the Copernican system was justified in the context of the time." Really? I guess the witch burnings, torture, inquisitions, crusades, and all the other crimes the church has perpetrated over the years were justified too then!

And just to show where his priorities lie he comes out with this little gem: "Saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behaviour is just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction." That's just so hideously wrong that I really don't even want to comment further.

Then he tries to justify the church's arbitrary "moral" rules with this: "The contraceptive pill is polluting the environment and is in part responsible for male infertility." Sounds serious. Maybe he hasn't noticed that the world is getting a bit overcrowded!

And here's another statement: "Stem cell research, artificial insemination, and the prospect of human cloning have shattered human dignity." Well thanks for your opinion again but a lot of people would disagree. I would also like to see the research the church has carried out to prove this point.

But none of these are really that bad. The true evil of the church was demonstrated by a recent case which took place in Brazil, where the Catholic Church excommunicated the mother and doctors of a nine-year-old rape victim who had a life-saving abortion. Strangely enough they took no action against the alleged rapist. Good call there from the church! They call that morality?

As one commenter on the news web site said: "I'd like to get that bishop's mitre and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. This man is a disgrace to the Church, but he's had the official blessing of some highly-placed cardinals in the Vatican. No wonder the Catholic Church is utterly despised and rejected. What SCUM they truly are!!!" (his words, not mine, although I can see his point)

And what about this comment which also reflects my thoughts on the subject: "Where was god when the step-father was abusing the girl? Why did god remain so silent about the abuse? Through god's silence, can one infer that he/she/it approved of the abuse? What an omnipotent idiot god is, if there is such a thing."

And finally this one (which is particularly bitter, but right to the point): "Probably offer the step-father a job as a priest, he seems to have the right qualifications."

Yes, the church is despised by many. And with very good reason!


Comment 29 (2082) by OJB on 2009-06-05 at 17:30:10: (view earlier comments)

All mankind is corrupt because its offending rate is higher than the church? Do you know that for a fact (especially regarding certain well publicised offenses of the church) and, even if it is true, shouldn't we expect more from the church?


Comment 30 (2087) by SBFL on 2009-06-06 at 05:03:25:

Looks like you can't read very well. I refer you to my last line in comment 27 and comment 29. Anyway, looks like you only proving my point, being that you have been influenced by media bias. No doubt we all are to some extent, on numerous issues.


Comment 31 (2091) by OJB on 2009-06-06 at 19:46:28:

OK, so we agree the church is pretty evil then - at least as evil as the rest of the world (possibly more) - even though we would expect it to be better (you know, doing God's work and all that). So fine, let's leave it there.


Comment 32 (2101) by SBFL on 2009-06-13 at 09:08:46:

Okay I see how you're playing this. Now you´re so desperate you decide to put words in my mouth. Shame on you. I have always thought a reasoned debate could be held with you, even on controversial topics where opposite viewpoints were held, but I see now that you're intent on negativity rather then constructive engagement. You're right on one thing though, time to leave it there.


Comment 33 (2109) by OJB on 2009-06-13 at 16:08:19:

It was a genuine attempt to figure out exactly what it was you were saying (while engaging in a small amount of rhetoric) but I think you're right: time to leave it.


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