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Pink Floyd Time Discussion

Entry 125, on 2021-03-02 at 20:00:00

A Reaction to the Pink Floyd Song "Time"

Me Still the greatest band ever. But how about Nightwish, Black Sabbath? OK, first equal.

Them There is no equal to Floyd. Period. Nobody projects the emotion that Pink Floyd does.

Me Well, OK. The others are a close second then! :)

Them To me there is no comparison. I do like other bands but Floyd has been my favorite since I was around 10 years old. 40 years later they still are. I've heard it all from the Syd years to an endless river. I've listened to Waters pre-wall demos and Gilmour's stripped-down tour. The perfection that is Pink Floyd has nothing near it.

Me I understand what you're saying. I have loved Floyd my whole life too. Having one band as a favourite for so long has to say something about the quality of their music.

Them You constantly hear something new. You can hear something literally hundreds of times then one day something else catches your ears. At the same time something you have heard those same hundreds of times can catch your emotions differently at different times. My favorite Floyd albums have changed multiple times over the years not a fast shift but you notice you rather listen to Dark Side over The Wall (a sign of maturity) or to Animals (sign of being tired of the system) or to Wish you Here Here (a sign of getting older).

Try this for an exercise: think of a time you broke up from a serious relationship and play Nobody Home. NOTHING can hit like that.

Me My two favourites are Wish You Were Here and Dark Side of the Moon. I guess that means I'm old!

Them Old as you feel. I kinda made the shift to Animals around mid 30s and shift to Wish mid 40s, but I had some life changing events at those times so it feels natural. I probably listen to Wish about 2-3 times a week, Darkside and Animals probably average over once a week. Filling in with others Atom Heart mother is really pushing in there of late. My least listen to are probably Final Cut and Obscured. Though an occasional Not now John is needed.

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